Welcome to my home page!!

You are visitor number X^2-2Y+Z, where "X" is the permeability of vacuum, "Y" the universal Super constant, and "Z" your IQ. ( Who needs automatic counters:) These pages are best viewed with any browser, although preferrably with Mozilla :)

On the links page I have collected links to other good WWW-pages, so check 'em out! And the list is always being updated, so keep your eyes open.

Hmmm. about me... Well, I am 26 years old, I have a Master's degree in Electronics design and I currently work at the Institute of Electronics at the Tampere University of Technology. My current research project involves intelligent environments, eg. homes. My hobbies are music, tennis, model kit building (plastic models and wooden ships), computer jammin', electronics, StarTrek, Babylon5 and... argh... if you want to know more, just throw me e-mail. OK?

Lately I've spent much time with my fianceé Pim in Bangkok, and I hope we can move in together soon :-)

Hit the communicator below to load the links page.

To check out some pictures / other files go here

Pim and 

Pim and me :)

Current Activities:
I've been playing a lot of StarSiege:Tribes (since March 1999) on the net! It's a great FPS game, and a lot of fun! I'm currently playing in Drunken Old Farts ,[dof], as [dof]Laza. I have also participated in the European Tribes League, both as admin and player. You will probably find me playing on european servers. You can check my progress from the following sites:

Wolfie's stat page (server closed for now)
The Championship league of Quake (CLQ)

See also: My computers now and before

Feel free to comment on this page!

Last modified: 03.09.2002 13:23 EET